Legal information

The website at the following address:

is edited by the:
                            Haut Conseil des finances publiques
                            13 rue Cambon
                            75100 Paris cedex 01
                            + 33 (0)1 42 98 95 00


Publication manager: Pierre Moscovici, President of the High Council of Public Finance, First President of the Court of Auditors


Editor in chief: Éric Dubois 


Website hostingATE - Avenir télématique


Conception - design - realization:  Adyax


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Creating a link to the website  

The  website authorises any Internet website or any other media to quote it or to create a hypertext link to its content on the strict condition that no damage is caused to the High Council, its image or that of its members. A logo is available to illustrate the hypertext link, any request should be addressed to the webmaster: contact.


 Personal data

The High Council engages itself for the collection and processing of your data from the website in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD). This task is entrusted to the Communication Directorate of the Court of Auditors, which is responsible for personal data.

The High Council of Public Finance may collect personal data concerning the visitor. The information collected on the registration forms is stored in a computerized file used to send the newsletter and daily alerts from the Mailchimp tool, managed by the company Mailchimp. The data collected are e-mail address, IP address and time stamp.   

As regards personal information relating to the dissemination of data by selective distribution or the management of mail posted on the website by users, the rights provided for in the RGPD (in particular access, rectification and omission) may be exercised by writing to the data controller, the Communication Director at the Court of Auditors, at the following e-mail address: communication.

For any information or exercise of your IT rights and freedoms on the processing of personal data managed by, you can contact its Data Protection Officer.

No personal information is collected without your knowledge. No personal information is given to any third parties.



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