
The members of the High Council of Public Finance

The High Council of Public Finance (HCFP) has eleven members. It is assisted in carrying out its tasks by a permanent secretariat.

The College of Members, chaired by the First President of the Cour des Comptes, is composed of four magistrates of the Cour des Comptes, five qualified personalities and the Director-General of the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee). HCFP members are not paid.

The four magistrates of the Cour des Comptes are appointed by the First President. They include as many men as women.

The five qualified persons are appointed respectively by the President of the National Assembly, the President of the Senate, the Chairman of the Committee on Finance of the National Assembly, the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and the President of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE). Qualified persons appointed by the parliamentary authorities must include as many men as women. At the time of each renewal, the member succeeding a woman is a man and that succeeding a man, a woman.

The terms of HCFP members is five years. This term is renewable once for the judges of the Court. It is not renewable for qualified personalities. The college is renewed for half every thirty months. In order to allow for a first renewal in September 2015, four of the members appointed when the High Council was set up served a 30-month term. They were chosen by drawing lots at the HCFP installation session on 21 March 2013.

The distribution of the college of the High Council of Public Finance:


The president of the High Council of Public Finance
 The magistrates of the Court The qualified persons
Christian CHARPY Sandrine DUCHÊNE
Catherine PÉRIN Gilles MOËC
  Michaël ZEMMOUR


The permanent secretariat of the High Council of Public Finance

The HCFP is assisted by a permanent secretariat headed by a general rapporteur, assisted by two assistant general rapporteurs. The General Rapporteur leads the preparatory work and prepares the draft opinions which are submitted to the High Council. He is the main contact person for financial administrations. The Permanent Secretariat is assisted by rapporteurs specialised in macroeconomics and public finance.


The use of external expertise

The HFCP has the possibility of calling on organisations or personalities from outside the administration.


The budget 

The HCFP has budgetary appropriations placed within an action of the programme 164 within the budgetary mission "Council and Control of State". The budget of the High Council stands at € 1.3 million in 2023.